So here’s the Christmas weekend recap.
My sister and I headed to my parents house on Christmas Eve.

We then went to the most beautiful Christmas Eve service I think I’ve ever been to. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more spectacular sight as I did when the lights were dimmed in the church and having tons of people lift up their candles.
Then we went back to the house and had soup and sandwiches and then later on watched the original version of the Christmas movie “Scrooge.” We each opened one gift on Christmas Eve and I got an amazing brown purse and LOVE it.
Christmas Day was so laid back and peaceful and spent with all the ones I love. We got up and opened gifts and the rest of the family came over later for lunch. I didn't get any pictures of the gift opening because I had a slight dilemma and thought I had lost my camera. Spent most of the morning looking for it and finally found it. Here are some pictures I did get. This doesn’t even come close to portraying the love that filled the house on that day, but just trust me on this, it was overflow!! :)
Getting the lunch table ready!

Broke out the pretty Christmas dishes!

After we ate we had some Jesus birthday cake. We blew out the candle and sang happy birthday to him!

We were able to get cozy by the fire, haha!!! It's a DVD that my parents have and it plays a fire on the TV. It even crackles and pops like a real fire, ha!

Just wanted to show you some decorations around the house! The whole house was decorated so beautifully. So warm and inviting!!

My mom had each of us take a picture in front of the tree because next year she is going to have ornaments on the tree with all of our pictures in individual ornaments.

And because I know at least one of ya'll are going to say something. Yes, my sister is wearing shorts and it's Florida, mind you... It was in the high 70's Christmas Day, ha! And yes, she knows how to model and pose for the camera, ha!

I on the other hand was ready for some snow, but unfortunately that was not what the forecast called for in the Sunshine State.

My mom and the hubby with sweet Emma!

I got my leopard snuggie for Christmas!!!! And my cute sleeping doggy in the picture didn't care to share in my excitement, ha!

We all drew names for gifts and I got my sister Deborah!

Time for some guitar hero. And someone felt they needed to steal my snuggie to play the game, ha!!

The kids playing around and my doggy chillaxin on the couch.

One of the best parts of the whole day was a ring that all of the daughters received.

It came with a card and on the front it said..
Dear Daughter... You're so special! Wear her tenderly for within Her lies no weariness, and face all of your trials with hope and in his strength rely,for above her wings other tenderness Angels fly.
For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways...Psalms 91:1
And in the inside it said...
John 14:6 I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. May this ring always remind you of how truly important you are to me… No matter what is going on in your life…But most of all, please try to remember to ask God for His wisdom in every situation, in good ones and where there is difficulty…Lets both try to become closer and closer during the years ahead, making the very best of the “Destiny God is creating for us.” I pray that God shows me how to say to you the things that will help and comfort you the most! Let our prayers together be that God will Heal your body, help us experience true joy, and give us spiritual wisdom …Here for You…
Its safe to say I will treasure this ALWAYS!!
Then Christmas night we went and saw:

It was such a cute movie and we had a great time!!
Indeed, a ton of love came down at Christmas time :)