Not only was I able to see some of my good friends graduate but they really encouraged us to go because it would be great motivation for us who have not yet graduated.
I saw a glimpse into my future.... where all the hard work has paid off and I have that certificate in hand.
It was a very inspirational ceremony and left me feeling like I can conquer this journey of getting through school. And if a million people coming up to me telling me that I'd be next wasn't confirmation, what is?? ha!
Here's some pictures:
Before the graduation started!
My friend Sarah! Each person spoke when they went to get their certificate of completion!
Each graduate as they came up to accept their certificate had a picture of when they were younger on the screen!
Now it's Jenn's turn. She's another good school friend of mine!
Clara the receptionist of the school has an amazing voice!!!! Here she is singing "One Moment in Time". Gave me serious goosebumps!
Soooo proud of her!!!
Not the best quality picture :(
My favorite graduates!!! Love these gals!
All the graduates!
The girls!
One thing you have to know is going through this program there is no way you could get through it without the support and encouragement of the very people who are going through it with you. The school is relatively small, so we all become like family. I have made life-long friends and have learned many life lessons through this journey...
And this evening was all a look into the future!
The future will be pretty bright once I have the certificate in my hand :)
You will be so happy and proud of yourself when you finish! All those long hours, especially while you work full time and attend school, will be soooo worth it!
I'm excited for you!!
I know you can do it! You will be one proud gal once you have accomplished this course of your life!
So glad to see your friends Graduate!!!
I can't imagine how excited you will be when you finish!! Fun pictures. :)
You can do it!!! It will sooo be worth it!
how exciting hun!!
you can do it!! you are focused and determined :)
Way to keep your head up, girl. You will finish, and I'm so proud of you!
yay for the grads! that will be you before you know it!
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