1. If you would, please keep my friend Sarah in your prayers!!
She just recently found out she has Hodgkin's Lymphoma cancer. The cure rate is 90% for this type of cancer, so they are VERY VERY hopeful. But the whole process of getting back to health is going to be hard for her because she is going to have to go through chemo. Had dinner with her at Carrabba's last night, and she has such a positive outlook though. She's amazing.
2. Oh.My.Word....Speaking of Carrabba's....

Their Chicken Bryan is OUT OF THIS WORLD!! You have got to try it if you haven’t already!!!
3. Let it be known that I am having an affair with McD’s…. Sorry Starbucks, but I have fallen in love with the caramel latte at McDonald’s. And hello, soooo much cheaper, ha!

4. Tonight I get to hang out with these cuties!
These precious twins belong to my co-worker Cristina. They and a bunch of other little girls are having a sleepover tonight and Cristina asked if I wanted to come over and give her an extra hand as her husband will be leaving the premises, haha!! So we're going to have a girls night and do nails and all that fun stuff. I have become really attached to them and love them to pieces.
5. My BFF Monica is graduating with her Master's tomorrow morning.
This was her and I on her wedding day last June. It's almost been one year, crazy!! I haven't been able to see or talk with her much this past year because life has been so crazy with her settling into married life and working on her Master's. So it will be nice to have my friend back and re-connect with her! I'm so sad I won't be able to go to her graduation because she is only allowed so many tickets :( But I am so so proud of her!!
6. And in other BFF news, my roommate Jill has will be leaving :(

She is a traveling nurse and so her contract at the hospital is up. Granted her schedule was crazy, my schedule was crazy so we barely saw each other, ha... but it was still a sweet season for both of us to have her there at the house with me. Love her and know God has great things ahead for her!!
7. I'm so excited because I'll be in NY next month for a family wedding and we're going to take a day trip into NYC. It's only a day but I'll take it, ha!!!

8. We might get to see the Lion King on Broadway while we're there.

I am keeping my fingers crossed! I want to go soooo bad. Have any of ya'll seen it?
9. I am coming off of a week long break from school and I have LOVED every single second of it. Not that I've done anything thoroughly exciting this week but just to have no schedule and to have my nights available has been heaven.
10. I am finding it so hard to believe it's already May..... the year is flying and I don't like it. Time slow down would you? The saying is true when they say the older you get the faster time flies!! Agree??
Have a wonderful friday everyone and have a great weekend!!!