It seems to me that life just does not slow down, EVER, haha!
May is a crazy month!
* Going to NY this Friday for the weekend!
* Mother's Day.
* Helping my cousin/bff Melissa move.
* Bridal shower for my friend Monica and getting together a girl's day before the big day.
* Trying to find time to lay-out to get a good tan and get rid of these strap marks before Monica's wedding in June, ha.
* Memorial Day weekend which hopefully I can rack my brain as to something fun to do.
* My sister graduates at the end of this month from high school and so we're going to have a whole bunch of family coming in and we're throwing a graduation party for her.
And on top of this... doctors appointments, going to check out new churches, working, focusing on school and attempting to go to the gym three days a week, and these past couple of weeks I have failed miserably in this area.
Also, going to be registering today to take the RPR exam (Registered Professional Reporter.) It's a type of certification for court reporting. They recommend you start taking it while you're in school while everything is still fresh in your mind. I'm going to be taking the written knowledge portion of the test and it will be in July. Then in November I'm going to take the skills portion of the test, which is the actual machine portion of the test. So going to be ordering the book to study for that. I'm going to have to manage to fit study time for that in somewhere. I'm totally going into this test for the experience, if I pass, GREAT, but the first time makes you pretty nervous and you don't know what to expect, and not very many people pass it on the first try. But I'm going to go do my best, and if anything, I'll get the first time jitters out of the way.
So, life, take my advice. Slow down a little bit, would you?? :)
Again, another pictureless post. Nothing has been picture worthy my friends, but I will more than make up for that with NY pictures :)
Also, Mrs. Newlywed is doing a giveaway and you have a chance to win some pretty awesome free customed stationary. Hop on over and check it out and she's just flat out hilarious. You won't be sorry that you did!! :)
Happy Cinco de Mayo :) Anyone doing anything fun to celebrate? I'll be celebrating at school! haha! Have some mexican food and a margarita for me :)
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
5 days ago
hahhaa..i feel you on the craziness of May! goodness! You do have a lot of things up your sleeve for this month! Take the time and come visit me in NC..haha. How bout that for something else to add to your "to-do" list ;)
ohhhh, gooooodddd luck dear friend on your test! I will continue to keep you in my prayers! :)
Sounds like a really busy, fun month! :-) I hope that NY is amazing - and good luck on the test!
Maybe you can take a nap on the plane ride to NY!!! There's a break for you :o)
I was just going through the same list in my head! May is going to be a BUSY month for both of us! I have so many of the same things going on! Thankfully it is all nice things, and nothing TOO painful.
How is your Church search going? Mine has "stalled" but hopefully it will continue after Mother's Day. Hope you're having a great Tuesday!
If only it was as easy as saying "slow down"! It all sounds like lots of fun though. Have a good day!
Oh girl.. my life has been soo crazy too.. I have barely gotten to get on blogger at all the last 4 days! feel so out of the loop! I will pray for you and your next few busy days!
PS- have i told you i LOVE YOU:) Thanks for my amazing present for me and for cate! gosh you rock:)
You do have a busy life!!! I'd love to be going to NY for the weekend... how fun!
Girl! you are busy busy busy! Enjoy yourself though!!
And good luck on the test!! you will rock it, of course! ;)
wow busy busy! good luck on your test! a trip to ny sounds like so much fun!
wow you have a lot going on! Sounds fun though!
I'll be packing my bags and coming with!! haha just kidding! It sounds SO fun though.
WOOHOO for NY! Good luck on your test!!! I'm going to have something for you on my blog tomorrow!
You do have a lot this month, but it sounds like a lot of fun! What are you going to do in NY?? Hope you're having a wonderful night!!
I'm so glad are schedules look so similar for this month!! :) Makes me smile when I feel like crying because I'm so stressed!!
I'm so jealous that you get to go to NY!! I've always wanted to go there. Hopefully someday I'll make it...Ground Zero, Huge pieces of Cheesecake, and fake purses!! What could be better?!?
Anyways, hope you've had a wonderful day!
Hang in there, you do have a full plate but you can do it!
You are being prayed for!
Your month sounds so much like last month and this month for me! Hope things get a little slower for you soon.
Trust me, I feel your pain!!
Life never does slow down does it? At least you have a fun weekend to look forward to.
I feel you on life needing to slow down! It's crazy how everything is dead in the winter and then all of a sudden just picks up! Good luck with your test and have fun in NY! We just saw the little mermaid in Nov. TOTALLY recommend it!
Take a minute to breath! Enjoy your month, it sounds like fun things at least!
Wow! Busy May! Sounds fun though!!
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