What is that?
You ask what I might be doing on here?
Well, I wanted to keep with the whole reason why I started my blog, and that is to journal my days, the exciting days, and the mundane and boring days as well. For awhile, as long as I feel nececcary, I'm going to disable my comments, and stay true to limiting my time on the computer. I admit, I've still been keeping up with a few blogs, but it's amazing how much time you free up when you don't comment, but just simply read and when you disable comments yourself, because as MUCH as I love blogging, that in itself is what makes blogging so time consuming. So I was thinking and I would still at least like to write once a week, so I can have a recap of my week and what's going on in my life.
So with that said...
Last week was pretty much school and work, doesn't that sound familiar??? haha! Wednesday night I had a wild hair to clean, and so in between American Idol, you could hear the sound of my vaccuum cleaner, but not until Ryan Seacrest said, right after the break, lol, and a crazy woman (that would be me) cleaning the bathroom on one of T.V's biggest nights, ha! But nevertheless, you could see the vaccuum lines in the floor and a bathroom that was sparkling, all the while able to see Kris Allen crowned the new American Idol. I was soooo happy. I'll admit I was rooting for Danny Gokey, but after he got the boot, all my votes went to Kris, and I know he'll make us proud, and in the meantime, I know Adam will go far!
So then pretty much Thursday and Friday was school and work, you know the drill. Then Friday night I started my house sitting and dog sitting (two pugs named Marley and Penelope) for my BFF Melissa. You can see Penelope here. And it was a nice little break and a change of scenery. So Friday I just went to her house after work and ran some errands, picked up some dinner and chilled for the rest of the night. You got to love the fact that they had movies on demand which are free, YAY! But I failed to realize that until after I already rented two movies to watch at her house which she has no DVD player, another thing I failed to realize, haha! But the money shall not go to waste because they are not due back until Wednesday and so they will be watched. Yesterday was my BFF Monica's bridal shower. It turned out to be such a wonderful and beautiful shower. Unfortunately, I left my cord at work to get my pictures onto the computer :o( But I'll have them up soon. I'm getting so excited to share in her big day with her. June 27th will be here before you know it.
It has been raining ALL week, and finally today we are seeing some sunshine, but yesterday after the shower it started to pour and I mean POUR but on the way back to Mel's house after the shower I must have really wanted pizza because I got in the pouring rain to fetch me some to take it back to the house, lol. A small pizza all to myself, LOVE IT!!! The things we'll do for food, and then I settled in for another round of movies.
Melissa will be back today and so now I'm back at home, did my 30 Day Shred for the second time. I started Thursday, oh what a sight for your eyes, and I literally could not walk the next day and that is no exaggeration. Jillian is the devil, but she's awesome and today when I did it for the second time it was a little bit easier. I have never sweated so fast or had my heart rate go up so quick in my life, haha!!! So I'm going to keep up with this and see if Jillian keeps up with her promise to kill us, and something tells me she will. And then I was able to watch my first movie (Legally Blondes)... I'm a huge fan of all the Legally Blonde movies and this is about Elle Wood's cousins and they are just like her, and you guessed it, they're blonde, but somehow I think the title gave that away, ha!! So one more movie to go and that's Nights in Rodanthe. I've heard mixed opinions on this movie. So I shall find out for myself.
I hope everyone is having a great Memorial Weekend. No work and school for me tomorrow, PURE bliss! A little slice of heaven I'd like to call it. My mom has been seeing a guy for quite sometime now and so we're all going to go over there tomorrow, and I haven't met his 3 daughters and grandchildren that are going to be there, so I will get to meet everyone and we'll just hang out and cookout and play in the pool if the weather cooperates. I'm excited about that!
Well, I've got places to go and people to see today and not ready and have a towel around my head with dripping wet hair.
And speaking of that. I always listen to the radio when I'm in the shower and came across a song by Chris Tomlin that I've come to love. Enjoy!!
Make sure you pause the music on my blog first before listening!
Love ya'll :)
And I Will Rise, will you?
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
2 days ago