This morning my creative genes are just not flowing to create a title to this post, ha!
YAY!!!! It's Monday!!! Okay, let me hear everyone's excitement...
I don't hear you people.....
Okay, I know, I feel you! I too wish we could just fast forward to Friday again. Especially since this week is going to be a short week for me and going to New York for the weekend. Leave Friday and come back Sunday. It's going to be a real quickie of a trip. We are making a trip there because it's our great-grandma's 100th birthday and there's going to be a shin-dig for her. How awesome is that right? We're going to the Long Island area and if you've never been there, it's B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!! Also, we are going to make a day trip into NYC, so that's just icing on the cake! It should be a good time!
My sister was sick as a dog this weekend and is still not feeling well. Has the whole stomach thing going on. Not fun. So please pray for her if you would. It's the total pits being sick.
Okay, I've been meaning to share, because it's totally funny. Well, probably for me, but not for other drivers out there in my neck of the woods. There is this particular stop light in town and let me tell you, it has it out for me. At this particular light I am always having to make a left turn and it always seems that I’m usually at the front of the line to turn at this light… And it never fails, for some reason at this light, I’m always in la-la land, day dreaming, or somehow distracted and I always miss the light to turn, haha, and ALWAYS it NEVER fails that there’s a big ole’ line of cars behind me to turn as well and therefore I cause them not to be able to turn. And I feeeeeeeel horrible every time because I know they are just cussing me out under their breath and then I speed up so none of them can catch up with me, haha, because I know they are just waiting to give me a not so pleasant hand gesture. I don’t know what it is about this light, because this light particular is the only one it happens at, haha! I know, I’m the kind of driver everyone hates, right???
Don’t answer that!
Hate is such a strong word, let’s go with dislike! And on second thought, this probably isn't all that funny, is it??
Don't answer that!
I'll try to come up with better stories, but this is all I got for a Monday! :O)
And in case you're wondering, I'll be checking into driving classes as to how to use the turning lane properly! ha!
Will try to post when I can this week, not going to stress myself out about it. Going to be trying to get in the groove of things with going back to school this week after a week break and boy did I enjoy the week off!
And excuse this pictureless post!!
Oh, and a big shout out to all my new followers!! Thanks for joining me on the journey and keep coming by and I know there are several people that have given me awards lately and thank you for that, I lost track of all of them, but you know who you are!
Okay, the rambling is officially coming to an end :)
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
2 days ago
A quick trip to NY? I'm jealous! I so badly want to go there! And for your grandma's 100th????? That's AWESOME!!!!! You are constantly on the go - aren't you!!!
Happy Monday to you cutie pie!!!
Big HUGS!!!! Love ya!!!
haha you are so cute!! YAY for NY. I want to go there sometime! I've only been on the outskirts when I was younger so I didn't get to do the whole tourist thing! ENJOY!!!
What a great reason for you upcoming trip! I've never been to NY so take lots of pics!
How fun! Have fun on your trip! I love short weeks :-)
Good luck today getting back into the swing of things!! I'll be thinking about you and praying for you!
I'm so jealous you're going to New York! I'm sure you will have a blast!!
Can I please go with you to NY? Please? I hope you have a great trip!
Happy monday :)
I would love to go to NY. Wow I am jealous :) Isn't it awesome that your greatgrandma is going to be 100. Wish we could all live that long.
SO SO SO jealous you are going to NYC!! You will have so much fun!! Hope you are having a good Monday! :)
You can make a quick jog up to MI on the way to pick me up?! LOL That's somewhere I really want to visit! =]
NY sounds like a great time! Happy Monday sweetheart - hope the week unfolds beautifully for you =)
No, it was a funny story!!! =)
I hope the weather gets better for your trip here -- today it is very rainy in the NYC but that can't last forever! And Long Island is gorgeous (even though as a New Jersey-ian I shouldn't be admitting that!).
Sorry to hear about your sister, hope she is already on the mend.
And I did that EXACT same thing while turning a few weeks ago -- I was thinking about "pretty things" and next thing I knew I was making a fast turn and spilling coffee all over my car! Oh well!
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