Okay, I've come to a conclusion, I really enjoy the journaling aspect of blogging too much to give it up completely. However, with that said, I'm going to be disabling my comments as long as I deem necessary. In my case, I realized that throughout my whole blogging experience, I've really focused on receiving comments and commenting on other blogs myself. And that frankly is not what this whole blogging experience should be about, at least in my case it shouldn't. I have to admit receiving comments is the fun part about blogging, but there's something so liberating and stress free about taking the focus off of that and truly getting back to the heart of the matter (and this has really limited my time on here). So I'll be posting whenver I have something to say and you know what's also AMAZING, I don't have to post every single doggone day. Because in the past it almost became burdensome and I put some much pressure on myself to have to post everyday, I don't want it to become like that. I love ya'll and the fact that you come by here and take an interest in my life blesses my socks off, and there's something amazing to be said about the blogging community..
Okay, I just want to pause a moment for a big group hug...
Now didn't that feel great? :O)
So now I come back to Psalm 119:11...
During this time of trying to refocus and really seek God, I know I need to be meditating on his word. There's amazing power in the word. As I was sitting here, I began to wonder, why is it so easy for us to remember lyrics to a song but it's like pulling teeth for some of us sometimes to dig deep in scripture, memorize it and meditate on it, and hide it in our hearts! I don't know about you, but I struggle with this. I'm laying it all out on the table here...I know I don't read my bible and meditate on it nearly as much as I should. And then I begin to wonder why at certain times I feel so defeated. And you know what the answer to that question is? Because I have no weapon (scripture, the truth) in which to fight back with when standing against the enemy.
No weapon formed against us shall prosper! The enemy is so infinite and minuet when you think of the powerful force that scripture has against him!
This is where God has me right now, in a place of meditating on his word, seeking him through the fine print on the pages of the living word.
Could this possibly be a place where he's calling you to right now? Just something to think about!
I leave you with a few pictures of my sister's Baccalaureate last night. It was a beautiful church service for the graduating seniors. Let the graduation festivities begin!
A beautiful church!
I am so proud of her!
They didn't know where to look, haha!
The whole gang!
Is the sky not beautiful in this picture?
Brother/sisterly love!
There's so much going on over the weekend and so I'll be back next week with more pictures of our graduation weekend and our trip to Disney World Monday and some ramblings about some other things that have been going on in my life!