Okay, this is going to be so random and all over the place, so hang in there with me!
First off, I have to brag. The Christian rock group “Fireflight” who I personally know and have talked about in a previous post have been nominated for 4 Dove Awards, yes 4, and I couldn’t be any prouder of them. They are seeing the fruits of their labor and God is blessing them incredibly. So here’s the deal, Dove Awards will be handed out Thursday, April 23rd at the Grand
Ole Opry House in Nashville, TN and broadcast live nationwide on Gospel Music Channel. For more on Fireflight, please visit www.fireflightrock.com, www.myspace.com/fireflight or www.flickerrecords.com.
For the first time, fans have an opportunity to vote for the winner of the Artist of the Year along with the New Artist of the Year. Fan voting, which will be conducted through the Gospel Music Channel website (www.gospelmusicchannel.com) and at www.doveawards.com, will open on Feb. 26, the same day online voting opens for GMA members. The cumulative fan vote, which will continue through the live Dove Awards broadcast, will account for one-third of the total vote in those two categories.
So, please, please, go and vote for them!!!! They would be humbled and honored. Thank you!!!
This is on a totally different topic here, but as I sit here and write, I know there are millions of people out there being affected by the slump in the economy in more ways than one. Tons of people are losing their jobs and for those who haven’t are in fear of losing their jobs. I have a good friend of mine who I talked with who come this Fall might not have a job. Nevertheless, the stress of all this is really getting to her and you know, it’s easy to tell somebody not to worry about it, when you have a secure job. But I really just tried to let her know not to stress about something that hasn’t even happened yet. That God is in control and that he knows the beginning from the end. He is the ultimate provider and is holding her in the palm of his hand. All those words are good and VERY much true, but what else do you say to those people that are really being affected by all that’s going on in the world and with the economy. My heart goes out to them and even I’m struggling, but everyone has their levels of responsibilities in their life and everyone is being affected in some way, whether big or small. But in the end, one thing remains, God IS in control! So for those of you who are really being affected and really stressing in a lot of areas, please just remember that. And that is just as much for me, as well.
I’ve really been thinking about the many hats we wear. Mother, daughter, sister, friend, aunt, granddaughter, niece, co-worker and etc…. And there just really is not enough hours in the day to be everything to everyone and really feel like you’re putting everything you have into each relationship, but you just try the best you can and with family, the good thing is they love you no matter what. The relationship I’m specifically thinking about right now is granddaughter. I’ve really been struggling because I made a promise to myself that I was going to make a point to visit my grandpa at the nursing home he’s staying at more often, but I haven’t been very successful at this. I let too many distractions get in the way, and before I know it, the week has gone by and I haven’t seen him. Don’t get me wrong, I do go and see him, but I just wish I would take that time to go see him more, pour that love out on him and spend time with him, even if it’s just sitting there with him and saying nothing at all, sometimes those unspoken moments are the best, and I know it just means a lot to him to just have someone there. I try not to beat myself up over this, but just need to make a change, and start carving out that specific time for him each week. I just want him to know I care! So just please be praying that my priorities may become aligned and balanced so I can make this happen.
Okay, I saved the best for last. Yes, the BIG giveaway, haha! I’m feeling generous and wanted to bless somebody!!! So, with that said, since yesterday was all about jewelry, I would like to give away one Pandora Bracelet and one charm as a starter. Just leave a comment and the giveaway will end Thursday evening and winner will be announced Friday by using the Random Integer Generator. If you’re not interested then tell anyone you want about it that might enjoy this piece of jewelry and have them stop by here. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!
So, today is Ash Wednesday! What, if anything, are you planning to fast and give up for the 40 days??? I'm thinking soda and TV for me!
Thank you so much for the prayers for my Aunt!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
2 days ago
Alright, enter me in your special getaway!
Oh, and we might actually be coming down in a couple weeks!
Sweet! A giveaway!!
I hope you find more time to visit your grandpa. You'll be so glad you did one day!!
I love giveaways! I never win but they're fun to enter. Count me in =]
You really touched on a subject that I can relate to with your grandpa. I now live in the same town as my grandparents and it is really hard for me to get over to see my Grandma. She lives at home, but isn't in the best health or state of mind. I REALLY want to take the time to go see her and spend time with her, because I don't ever want to regret not doing it. It's just hard sometimes. I will be praying for both you and I in this area!
I cannot tell you how much I love reading your blog! It is amazing!
And, I would love a bracelet! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I just love your blog. I think you are about the sweetest person ever. Thanks for the giveaway!!
I would LOVE to be eventered in for you giveaway! I have been wanting one of those bracelets!! I don't kow what I am going to give up for Lent, but I want to do something! Good for you on Soda and TV. That would be a hard one for me!
I just stumbled on your blog the the LPM blog. How could I not enter myself in this little give away since I was here anyway, right? :) My wrist looks like it could use a new bracelet.
I hope you have a wonderful day!
I just went back and read your post from yesterday, hmm, and I'm trying to figure out this clue thing...When it comes to best friends, I'm pretty covered between God, my man and my best girl, but I'd still love to be the winner! :)
I love reading your blog! I would love to be entered in your giveaway!
How fun! Gotta love those giveaways! They always seem to make the day so much better!
Hey, are you MckCruising in 2010?! Just wondering!
Have a very happy day!
good post!! I too need to work on the balance in my life! I'll pray for those struggling with their jobs as well! Tough times right now but God will get us through :) Also, do enter me! Happy Hump Day!
I would love to be entered in the giveaway!
Give up TV For 40 days?!!? WOW!! Now that's serious buisness!!!!!!!!! =)
Hi! Got here through Jen's blog!
Glad I did - I too love FIREFLIGHT! Love all things Christian music - so I'll have to check this out.... I'm so bummed because they quit carrying the Dove Awards around here.. I looked forward to that as most people do the Oscars... sad!
I think I'm giving up Starbucks and tv. My kids are giving up Wii and their ipods...and I don't know about my husband. As a family, we're giving up eating out.
The economy stuff is hitting pretty hard this week. John's company laid off a slew of folks today (his job is safe) and it's really hard when it happens to people you know.
Just found your blog and wanted so say hi:) I would love to be entered into the giveaway!
Hey, i changed my blog address and wanted to leave a comment with the new one in case i win! :)
Hey girlie. I am lovin' the look of your blog. So spiffy. :-) Sounds like you are well. Hope we can catch up soon!.
Love, Tami
okay, enter me in the drawing!
i love your blogs - so inspirational!
love ya
I've never heard of Fireflight....now i have a new group to check out! thanks
So excited for Fireflight's nominations. I was really surprised when I heard they were up for Artist of the Year. And I love that fans can vote this year.
And yay for giveaways too! Random Integer Generators don't like me, but what the hey. ;)
Yay! How fun! Enter me, please :)
By the way, I got a chance to go to the Doves last year. It was so much fun!! You should go if you can...especially since your friends are nominated!!
Wow, that is generous! Thanks for sharing about your grandpa and hope you're having a wonderful Thursday night. Thank you also for your sweet comment on my blog...I've been so blessed by all of your encouraging words!
your so sweet!! I would love to give up chocolate and soda!!
I'm enjoying your blog. Your uplifting spirit is very refreshing. Love the giveaway idea. Even if I don't win, I'll continue with you on your journey. God Bless.
I haven't been on in a couple of days and when i got on today i was reading about your grandfather and i just have a little story to share with you. I have a great grandmother that will be 100 years old this year and she is the sweetest thing ever. I was visiting her every week and then i just kept getting sad when i was there because i didn't like seeing her that way so i quit going as much. Then it hit me i wasn't there for my feelings i was there to encourage and lift her spirits up so i went and saw her yesturday and am going to get back on my weekly schedule and i was thinking about it today and i went to get gas and she was in the car with her caregiver and i got to see her again.God is good all the time and all the time God is good!! truthfully it really is a reality check and blessing when we slow down and really view how much we do have in life. So now that i've rambled on im praying for you for your fast, you will be tempted but God will always give you a way out we just have to choose to take it.
Thank you for such an inspiring blog
Those bracelets are too cute!!! And I would love to be entered in your giveaway!
Your too sweet!
you are too sweet. what a fun giveaway. praying for you girl. it's so hard to make time sometimes.
please enter me for the giveaway!
great blog! =)
I wish we got the Gospel Music Station where I live. I would love to have that. Please enter me in the giveaway.
I'd love to win the bracelet and starter charm!!!
tbmroberts at yahoo dot com
Ok, enter me too :)
super generous! my friend told me about it. I'd love to have that starter. :)
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