After the bizarre events of last night, I really began thinking about relationships. Last night my sister and I had to run an errand and then after that we had to stop by the emergency room where her boyfriend was becase he just has this flu and fever that he cannot shake, so he decided to go to the ER. Well, I walk in and sit down for awhile and then I look over to my left, and then I see my childhood friend Kelsey that I grew up with in the neighborhood I grew up in. We hadn't seen or talked to each other in such a LONG time. And just to make sure I asked my sister, is that Kelsey? And she's like yeah, I think it is, so I said her name and she looked over at me and it was like a big reunion, haha! So when my sister was back seeing her BF, I sat and visited with her and she was in there because she has Type 1 Diabetes, the most severe, and she was out of insulin and she doesn't have a family physician and her blood sugar was sky high, so her only option was to go to the ER. Please be keeping her in your prayers, because from what I gather she's not really taking care of herself properly the way she should and diabetes is nothing to mess around with.
After talking with her and listening to her circumstances, I am so extrememly blessed, and it's just amazing to me how two lives can go into completely opposite directions. It was such a God thing to me how we could both end up seeing each other in the ER and hope I was able to shed some light in her life at that exact moment. It made me smile when I left.
I say all this because I've come to realize that some relationships are for a certain reason and season, and some are for a lifetime. That particular friendship was for a certain season, and I keep it in my heart, and I look back on it with such fondness. It took me awhile to realize that all relationships are not for a lifetime. And I would hold on so tight to those relationships, and it took me a long time to get to that point to say, Lord, you're more than enough for me, and if this relationship is only for a certain time, then I'm okay with that. I use to (and I'm still working on this) have such a deep dependency on the friendships that God placed in my life, very unhealthy. I would try to get out of those relationships only what God could give me. Don't get me wrong, relationships are a wonderful thing that God has given us, but when you start having those unhealthy dependencies, then you know it's time to re-evaluate. And it took a good friend getting in my face (but in a good way) and saying, Lauren, you're sucking me dry. I've given all I can give and I have nothing left. And let me tell you, that was an eye-opener. I'll be forever grateful for that moment, because it was defining, and at that point, I was able to say with my whole heart, Lord, you're more than enough for me! Relationships are going to come and go, and people are going to let you down, but God truly is the constant one, and will never leave you nor forsake you.
Maybe this will resignate with someone today, but I know this is an area that I've needed alot of work in, and still working on, but in the meantime, he's more than enough for me!
Sorry ya'll, I'm waaaaay behind on blog reading, but will be catching up today :o)
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
2 days ago
This is exactly what He has been teaching me :-) thanks for sharing!!
Thanks for sharing Lauren! I've come to realize that with quite a few of my friends. Especially with graduating from high school last year and growing apart with friends this year.
This is a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing your heart!
Thank you so much for this....
Lauren you are a beautiful person with amazing words. The Lord does speak through you. :) I love you girl and we will get together soon.
I have started realizing this as well... high school, college... you start to realize who your true friends are...thanks for sharing:)
Thank you for this post. This definitly resonates with me. I have had a difficult year with friendships changing and drifting away. It is so hard after college to keep in touch and people change and things happen and it makes me really sad. But I will try to remember what you wrote about each relationship having a reason and a season! Thank you again!!!!!
You have no idea how much I needed this post. You didn't, but God did. Thank you!
Great post and don't you feel better when you start to see the things that He teaches you?!!
What a great post! Thanks for sharing!
I think often of many relationships that have meant so much to me over the years, but for one reason or another are no longer. I try to remember them fondly and realize they were for a season. But, God has also blessed me with some amazing lifelong friends.
I love your heart, Lauren.
True friends are forever; other friends may be just for a season but I believe that everyone is placed on our path for a reason - sometimes it is because we need the other person and other times it is because that person may need us. The important thing is to find the reason :)
you are too sweet. hope you had a great daY!
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