I don't even know where to begin with this post. I know ya'll are looking for a Nashville recap with pictures but for today I want to share this with you and the pictures are to come. Because today, this moment, this is my heart/was my heart as I sat in the Nashville airport yesterday waiting to come home.
My very first entry in my Nashville Prayer Journal on 2.21.10:
I sit here at the Nashville airport with tears flowing down. My heart is full and my spirit is overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by his faithfulness and the way the Lord showed up in a huge way this week. I will move to Nashville. I am moving to Nashville. And I say this without hesitiation and without a doubt in my mind. This place feels like home to me. My heart is here in every single way possible.
I leave here with a new excitement in my heart. I leave hopeful that my future will be planted here in this city. God is making it abundantly clear to me that he is listening and that he sees the desires of my heart and that he is preparing me. I never truly realized that he has been preparing me all along. But I know he has. I am going back to Florida with a new and fresh revelation in my spirit. My heart is fresh and anew. I pray Lord that you are directing my steps, wherever that may lead. And you’re telling me that it’s Nashville. It blows my mind that you care about the little details of my life. You love me and I know that, and I cling to that. Thank you Lord for divine appointment and the relationships I have made in the state of TN. It’s not by chance and I know that. You make me smile when you show up in the small ways in my life that take my breath away. You take my breath away in such a sweet way that leaves me in awe.
When I board this plane and I go back home I know things will NOT be the same. I look forward to tomorrow and every day after that leads me one step closer to my Nashville dream.
This is my Nashville prayer!
I do have to share one picture with you.
Gave me chill bumps and think I about lost it!
I was walking down the streets of downtown Nashville.... and this is what I saw.
My name written out plain as day in the concrete on the street! This is just a glimpse of my week!
Ummm, I hear ya, Jesus!! :)
What a BEAUTIFUL prayer!! I'm so thrilled that you felt the presence of the Lord with you throughout your time in Nashville. I would LOVE to come visit...so make sure that you have me at the top of your list!!! :)
Can't wait to see pictures and hear more amazing stories!!
Love ya, sweet friend!!
I would LOVE it if you moved to Nashville- you'd be so close! :)
Can't wait to see your pics!
I'm glad you got some clear revelation :)
That was an awesome post I Loved it..
I can't wait to hear about the trip that led to this prayer! :)
So exciting!! I pray the Lord would continue to make the way clear...
So glad you had a great weekend!
Wow girl sounds like God is really working on your heart right now! Can't wait to see what happens!!
This is awesome!!!
I will be praying for you that your Nashville dream comes true!
I can relate. Nashville feels like "home" to me, too.
I'm still not sure if I will ever live there, but everytime I visit, I fall more and more in love with it.
Love it!! Can't wait to hear more about your trip!! :-)
I KNOW you will end up in Nashville and when you do, I am so coming to visit. I may have to go back again this year. I love it there.
It really did come down to Chicago or Nashville. Clearly, you know what I chose. But Nashville was a close 2nd. It is such a beautiful & wonderful place.
Talk to you in a few hours! Can't wait!
So excited for you, Lauren!
Lauren, I love your tender heart.
Your name in the concrete was incredible!
Crying. Just plain crying.
I am so excited for you and can't wait to hear more!! Beautiful prayer:)
so excited for you and this next season!
Lauren, So happy for you! Nashville is a great place! What will you do there? Praying for the Lord to show you His way!
I love that you were able to so clearly feel and see God's will this weekend! Can't wait to see all he has in store for you!
What a wonderful prayer! Can't wait to hear more!
Wow! Can't wait to hear all about your weekend!
Wow! What a great experience you must have had. I can't wait to hear all t he details of your trip!
What a testament! Such an exciting time for you it seems, and confirmation. I loved Nashville when I visited in October -- and would move their in an instant if an opportunity arose!
Can not wait to see all God has for you in these coming weeks.
Wow...what a beautiful post!!
Lauren I am so excited for you. What a huge blessing when God shows up so undeniably like that...it's like a love story written right to your heart =)
Amazing!!! I hope to see your dreams become reality!!
Oh my!! What an adventure you have ahead of you. <3 I'm loving your prayer journal. That is inspiring!!
How exciting about your future!!! I hope it all works out!!!
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