Thanks for sharing in your comments yesterday what cancer has meant to you and how it’s affected your life. I was touched. Thank you.
So it’s Friday and I was looking back on the week. Nothing spectacular happened but it’s turned out to be a pretty great week.
Do you ever have those days where you’re just happy for no particular reason? (Although I could probably think of many things that make me happy). It’s been a pretty mundane week, nothing out of the ordinary. School, work, getting back in the swing of things after my trip to Nashville. Getting back to real life.
Then I begin to think, what’s so wrong with real life? It’s the life I’ve been blessed with. It’s the life I’ve been given.
Sometimes it can be depressing coming back from vacation. But I think vacation isn’t intended to bring us back depressed but refreshed and refueled.
So today…
I’m happy because the sun is shining this morning before the rain sets in later today.
I’m happy because I get to spend time with one of my best friends tonight.
I’m happy because today is pay day and my needs are always met.
I’m happy because I’m wearing skinny jeans for the first time today and I can actually pull them off, ha!
I’m happy because my parents are leaving on a little mini-vacation to NC this weekend and I know how much they need that.
I’m happy because in a short 6 months (it will fly) I will be an Aunt again with a new niece or nephew.
I’m happy because literally I woke up today and my hair didn’t look too bad and barely had to do a thing with it. Makes it easy to get ready, ha!
This is it. Some of the simple things that make me happy today!
This is real life. And it’s not so bad.
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
5 days ago
Love your happy list! Hope you have a great day and weekend!!
Its a sweet & precious heart that can find happiness in the small things!!!
And I'm jealous... I can never pull off skinny jeans! :)
I love it when the simple things in life bring joy!! Reminds me how blessed we really are in life!! :)
Well I'm happy you're happy! And yay for skinny jeans! lol.
Love your list! These things make me happy too.
Happy Friday Lauren!
Love this post! It made me smile!
These are all great things that bring happiness. Sometimes we need to open our eyes and see it in the little things. Thank you for opening my eyes today.
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