I had my pre-op today for my surgery and I learned my diagnosis…
Others of you may have this to…. Heck, I have it and didn’t even realize it until today, ha!
It’s called the “White Coat Syndrome.”
Sound familiar?
See, it’s when you see that white coat of the doctor and your blood pressure begins to soar.
Yes, they checked my blood pressure twice while I was there and it was out the roof. And it was then I was diagnosed…
Seriously, I have this weird fear of doctors’ offices, no matter the situation. My face was red, I started breaking out… No joke people!
I think it’s because I had a horrible fear of this when I was little and think it’s carried over into my adult life.
So if you have these same symptoms…… You don’t have to wonder anymore. You have White Coat Syndrome!
Just thought you’d like to know!
Safe to say I'll never be a doctor!!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
5 days ago
Totally have this!! lol
LOL, I've heard of it! I think Brayden has white paper syndrome. They don't wear lab coats in our ped's office but as soon as he sees that white crinkly paper on the table he FREAKS. He thinks paper=shots. Poor thing is usually right!
Bless your heart!! :)
I am totally the same way! I start hyperventilating if they start talking about shots!!! haha
LOL....I totally have this too! Since I have been sick every time I go to John Hopkins or see a Doctor....or even a doctor's office my blood pressure sky rockets and I break out in hives....
Hope your procedure goes well....
Summer :0)
Girl I TOTALLY know!! I schedule people's heart surgeries all day long for a living...but when it's MY turn?!?!? Eek!
The only surgery I have ever had was my wisdom teeth removed when I was like 20, and I FREAKED. I was so scared of being put under that I started crying and my heart started racing and I got so worked up that my BP was through the ROOF and at one point the nurse just took my hand and looked me straight in the eyes and said "if you can not calm yourself down we are going to have to cancel this surgery!!".
I just started singing praise songs to myself and begging the Lord to be near...and He was =).
Praying the same for you!!!!
Yep. Same here. My blood pressure is out the roof there. Even my face gets red. Just nerves. I told them if they didn't make me step on the scale every time then I wouldn't have such high blood pressure.
I am the same way!!
Oh my gosh! I have this too!! I'll avoid doctors at all cost! I always thought that I'd grow out of it, but it has followed me into adulthood!
You and your poor ears. I will pray for your surgery!
I suffer from that, too!!
Good luck with your surgery. Praying for you!
Aww, Lauren, I'm sorry! I used to work in a lab and people would get that all the time! :) Praying for you and your surgery!!!
Jordyn totally has that! As soon as the doctor walks in, she's in a full out scream! I'm glad you didn't do that! :-)
ugh i totally have white coat syndrome and have known it for a long time! it is ridiculous how anxious i get... i really work myself up. its not pretty.
pretty sure i have this same thing!! ugh!
everytime they want to draw blood i'm almost positive i'll faint.
your procedure is going to go fine hun :) thinking about ya!
We are MOST definitely SOUL SISTERS, my friend!!!!!! I have had "White Coat Syndrome" since I was a little girl, as well. However, mine all began because my dad was a doctor and would bring these disgusting/scary/gross/creepy/etc surgery videos home and would be watching them. UM...little kid eyes and ears!!!! ;)
Not to mention, the stories he would tell. Unfortunately, I also have what's known as "IthinkIhaveeverythingunderthesunandthensome" and then one more something wrong after that!!!!!!!! :) I've really tried to get better, but let's face it ~ that hasn't happened. I still call my dad and say, "I found this lump. What do you think this could be? I think I might have..." yada, yada, yada.
At least my dad is a very patient man!!!!
Anyway, I'm SOOOO sorry I'm just getting caught up on your blog. To be honest...I haven't been doing a very good job of keeping up. I've been helping out my friend whose husband went to Haiti.
Please know that I'm PRAYING for you and can call or text if you need ANYTHING!! I'll be here.
Sending BIG HUGS and LOTS of LOVE your way!!
Keep me posted as you can.
Love you
P.S. I think you should give out an award to the longest commenter...would I take top prize?!?!? ;)
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