* When you take random pictures of yourself (specifically with potato chips, haha, you all seemed to get a good laugh out of that. Just call me a hard core blogger).
* You can't keep the minimum numbers of times you check the bloggy world at once per day.
* You do something or think about something, and think to yourself, that is SO going on the blog.
* You have extreme guilt over picture-less posts.
* You're excited when you get a new follower.
Okay..... I started the list, and want to get your input. What makes you a hard core blogger? Fess up, you know you do all this stuff and more, haha!!! :o)
I thought I'd do something fun and now we're going to play a little game I'd like to call "Name that car":
This is my Ford Focus that I AM going to pay off and it's going to drive me around till it can't anymore! I WILL have the feeling of NO car payment someday. I won't have it any other way, ha! So, I was thinking today that my poor car doesn't have a name, and that's where you come in. I want you to get creative and come up with a name and the name which I think is most creative will get a little prize from me.... So let me hear some of your suggestions, and like I said, be creative! And you have until the end of tomorrow! :o)
Happy Wednesday!
My friend Samantha has her blog up and running and to where you can now leave comments. Go and check it out and show her some love!
Let's go for Flogger. It's a Focus, you're a blogger, and you are going to drive it into the jersey wall if you don't stop taking pics of eating and driving at the same time.
Haha! I love the list!! Do you ever ..say things like "Oh my friend totally did that..." Or "my friend told me about these" when talking about your blog friends?
Two suggestions:
Hocus Focus (Hocus for short)
(Lame, I know).
We name all of our cars. The van I drive is Minnie-the-van. We heart her.
The first thing that came to mind is the name "Flo"... Flo the Ford Focus.. & when you are in her, you just FLO down the road smoothly!!! :-)
Haha I love that list!!
Great post and I swear I never go anywhere without the camera!!
Love the list!
Call your car Harriet. That's the first name I thought of! Ha!
I love the list! I do all those things along with: think of you all as my friends, spend an unusual amount of time each day wondering how my "friends" are doing, and even check blogs from my blackberry when I get bored! Ha!
Too funny! I'm so with you on the whole, "You know you're a hard core blogger when..." because those fit me to a 'T' as well.
Anyways, I've got to think on the name thing for your car. I'll get back to you on that one!
Have a terrific day!
I have no idea what you should name your car, but I love your list. I was laughing when I read it cuz I do all the same things!!
Hey! I love the Flo the Focus car name. So funny. So is Hocus Focus. ROFL
I'm in St. Cloud...home of the Rodeo. LOL We are a little over an hour from the festival. :)
Oh and I totally agree with your list. My kids laugh when I take pictures of our food (whether groceries or at dinner). Or when I say oh yes my friend did that or saw that. And then they ask who and I'm like oh my friend in Arkansas or Colorado or such. Then they roll their eyes at me. But in a strange way many of the blogs that I read are from people who very well could be my friends in 'real life'.
I LOVE your hard core blogger list!! I do all of those things too!
Great idea about "name your car" game. How about The Silver Bullet? Just the first thing that came to mind! I am hoping to get a new car this weekend so I may play your game for my new car when I get it!:)
is it silver?? what about silver sally?! haha I think it's cute. I think your list is pretty straight on about being a hard core blogger! Those remind me of myself!
Thank you!! I stumbled upon yours earlier today and lved your "you know you're a hard core blogger when.." post and could TOTALLY relate HAHA! I just started blogging so I'm supper addicted checking it 9347 times a day and getting excited when I have a new follower...LOOOSER!!! lol :) Have a wonderful day xoxo.
I'm pretty bad about most of the things on your list, too. I always have my camera (although I forget to take pictures!!), I talk about my blog friends - like I know them in person, I check my reader often. It's sad.
I'm not very creative on naming cars. For some reason, my family always names my husband's old trucks... silver bullet, whitey, old merle, etc. But, my vehicles never get named.
Oh gosh I am terrible at naming cars. when I was little my mom had a tan Subaru that i called the "peanut butter car" LOL. Good luck!1
Uh-oh! Looks like I am hardcore!!
Love the list - so true! :)
Oh, I LOVE to blog!! I started blogging on xanga 5 years ago and really was addicted then. I don't blog as much as I used to but I need to because if I couldn't remember when something happened, I'd just go look at my blog. I love your blog, by the way!! So cute!
LOL- This is such a great post!!! I just started blogging and I'm already showing all those symptoms-LOL! Your blog has such a beautiful focus-I love it and will be visiting again soon! Wonderful to meet another sister in Christ!!
You are so right about all of them - though none of us usually want to admit that! I feel guilty at times when I am going through life, thinking, "Oh, I just have to post about this." I just found your blog for the first time tonight. Oh, I feel the same way about my Impala - it's paid off, so I pray it keeps going and going and going!
I like old lady names for cars, like Bertha and Mary Lou. I don't know why. My brother and I have always called our cars by old lady names until my current car. Now it's the dirty car, according to my kid.
Ha! Hard core blogger for sure...once I went somewhere, forgot my camera, saw an AWESOME photo op for the blog and considered going home and coming back, which would have cost me 20 minutes easy. I didn't actually do it (only because my hubby would have laughed me out of the house)...but oh, yes, I considered it. :) Anything for the blog!
Looks like I'm a hardcore blogger too. I'm driving around and thinking I will write about this or that or I need to post more pictures in my blogs etc etc. Ha. We're all addicted.
I was thinking Silvereen for a name because the car looks silver in the photo...
just stumbled across your blog and it made me laugh! i, TOO, and a big time blogger and found your list to be so true. love it.
p.s. i just paid for my car in dec. and having no car payment IS wonderful!
Haha this list was too funny!
Hey...we drive the same car, just different colors! How 'bout that! I'm totally with you on driving it until it drives no more, therefore, no car payments! That will be a glorious day!
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