YAY, we made it past Monday!!!!! :O)
Most importantly, I didn't have a chance to get this up yesterday and many of you might already know, but please be keeping baby Stellan in your prayers, and if you don't know, please stop by MckMama's Blog to get updated. He is a miracle baby and is in the hospital with serious health issues. God worked a miracle once and he can do it again!!! Please just continue praying! Thank you!
I need you all to help me out here. I don't know if you've ever heard of Dave Ramsey, but I read his book called "Financial Peace" and he has an envelope system that I'm going to start trying out this week and I'm really excited about it. It helps you get on a budget. I wouldn't say I'm an over spender by any means and I'm actually pretty frugal, but I'm not on a budget and don't exactly know where all my money is going to and that's where the envelope system comes in. Go to Dave Ramsey's Website to learn more about this, if this is something you're interested in. Also, if there are other ways that have helped you stay on a budget, please share, would love to hear some other ideas!!!!
The sun is shining today in the good ole' sunshine state, YAY!!!!! :O)
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 424
1 week ago
I heart Dave Ramsey. I have envelopes in my purse. We don't do the whole system yet, but we're on a modified version. The only thing left is the house. Yay!
And you are VERY smart to do this early. Very very very smart.
Matt and I have greatly enjoyed and learned a lot from Dave Ramsey's stuff. I admit, I'm not good at the envelope system though, but many of his other things we've implemented. When we had our big flood this past December, we were soooo thankful for our emergency fund and 3-6 months expenses! We've taken the class "Financial Peace" and highly recommend it, too. It's great you're doing it. :) Happy Tuesday!
I'm SOOOO praying for Stellan!!
Currently, I'm working on re-working my budget system. I've used Quicken for YEARS to track and categorize all my spending and I've been creative in making my own "envelopes" within Quicken and it has worked pretty well. But the last couple of weeks I've been researching software that actually does the envelope system in this electronic world. So far, I'm like MVelopes.com, but there is a monthly fee. Would like to avoid that, but if it will do what I really want to do, it might be worth it.
Carpoolqueen is so right, you are going to be really thankful you were mature enough to be working on this at your age.
I too took Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University - thought it was funny that it cost so much... anyhoo...
I didnt get into the envelope system... understand it though - but I'm not a cash person. The idea behind it makes perfect sense.
For me though - I use a debit card for EVERYTHING & I found a web site called Mint.com... that to me shows me exactly what I've spend & if I go over budget... it keeps track of EVERY penny spent with a credit card of debit card...Plus it keeps track of my 401K investments.
You can do it! I now have no credit cards - havent even used one in over 6 months... that's HUGE! If I can do it - you can do it!
I am heartbroken about what is going on with Stellan! It makes me nervous that there have been no updates recently. Oh, I pray everything will be ok!
I have heard great things about Dave Ramsey but never looked into it myself. Good luck with your envelope system!! Praying for baby Stellan!!
I did the envelope system for awhile before I got married, but then it was just too hard for the both of us to do it. I do love Dave Ramsey though!
I need to get that book... I am going to tell my husband about it.. with a baby coming.. saving is somethingw e really need to work on! Praying lots for lil stellan!
Praying for Stellen and his sweet family!!! Can I just say that I LOVE that we're reading a book at the same time! Kind of like a bloggy book club, haha. Have a good day, love!!!
We are trying to do the envelope system. Unfortunately, I really need to work on SELF-CONTROL and then it would probably work a whole lot better . . . and we're SO unorganized. but we have friends who use that system and say it's great! Hope it works well for you!
Girl, Dave Ramsey is the bomb. We took his course 4 years ago, and it literally changed our lives. We thought we had a decent handle on our money until then, and were we ever surprised at how much was trickling out here and there, and we didn't even realize. We are now debt free except for our house, and there really is such freedom in it.
My hubby loves Dave Ramsey, perhaps a little too much to always want to follow his advice! It's cloudy here today, enjoy the sunshine!
I want to check out that website! I've been trying to work on my finances and budgeting! I've been praying for Stellan!!
Hi! I love Orlando. It is so beautiful here. I didn't even realize you live so close. We drove to Coco Beach today and took some pictures. Hope you have a great day!
I'm not for sure how I found your blog, but either way I wanted to tell you that my husband and I have done the Dave Ramsey FP since we got married a year and a hlaf ago. It has worked so well! You will be shocked how controlled your spending will be. We love FPU. We have no debt except our house and we love it! God has blessed us so much through using that! Have fun!
So glad the sun is shining. It's shining here too although the wind is blowing but hey, it's starting to lose its bite :)
I've always been curious about his envelope system. I've heard a lot of people talk about it before and say it really works for them. I'll be interested to hear what you think about it!
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