I am even having trouble formulating the words for this post.
These past couple of days have been rough.
We've been up in the middle of the night with Larry the past two nights. I woke up this morning, realized I had overslept. I shot straight out of bed with about 5-10 minutes to get ready for work. I have about an hour commute in the morning. I had a flashback to that scene in the movie Home Alone, where Claire and Peter realize they overslept, and shot up out of bed and screamed, "WE SLEPT IN!!!!" Ha!
All I can say is thank you Dr. Pepper for your assistance this morning. It was greatly needed!
I didn't even get to take a shower.
I brushed my teeth at work.
Seriously, I'll be glad to see you Thursday. Better yet! Skip Thursday, straight to Friday :)
On that note, have a great day peeps! And grab a Dr. Pepper, does wonders!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
2 days ago
Praying that the rest of your day goes quick and you have the energy and stamina to get through. I continue to lift you all up in prayers...
I would not have been able to get ready in 10 mins! Ha!!
Dr. Pepper gets me through many a morning these days.... I love me some Dr. P! I think I might be addicted?
well, I didn't sleep in. But after Brayden peed not once, but TWICE, on the toys he was supposed to be cleaning up, I hear Sonic calling my name. If they had a size larger than the Route 44, I'd be getting it. Dr Pepper I NEED YOU! ha!
Pardon my french but..... Dr P is the sh*t! :)
I am so sorry this is so hard! It does take a toll on you when you don't get sleep, but YAY for Dr. P! Hang in there and know that people ARE praying! I have read every post since I found you, but have not always commented. Each time I pray for you and Larry and your family. LOVE the picture of your mom reading to him. Just precious! You never know how many times he mulls over those words as he lays there thinking about his life. So precious!
Love me some Dr. Pepper, but I don't buy soda for the house. I tried to eat a candy bar this morning, with almonds, thinking it would give me energy. Nope!
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