Today is just one of those days where I’m overwhelmed by every little thing!
Matthew 11:30- For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Yesterday I had a real heart to heart with one of my teachers who is a God sent. She has been a huge spiritual mentor for me. I was able to share with her my heart and some of the things I’m struggling with. I’m going in a good direction and I know yesterday was a huge breakthrough for me.
After the conversation and leaving school I was emotional as it was, then I come home, check my mail and get a kind letter from my car insurance company that they had dropped me. Seriously, I about lost it. If there was Ben & Jerry’s ice cream in my freezer, it would have been gone in two seconds flat. My insurance company has really been cutting back, and I’ve had my share of accidents in the past, none lately thank God, but apparently in their eyes I’m more of a liability then an asset.
Sooooo, it’s off to shop for new car insurance, and that’s in the works except they need a down payment, which I DO NOT have.
Jehovah jireh- God our provider!
Thank you God for that!
So that’s been kind of stressful.
I had plans to go out of town over Labor Day weekend and visit a friend, I need the getaway in the worst way, but when it came down to it, I didn’t have peace about going. I knew financially it wasn’t the wisest thing to do, and I know I need to focus on school this weekend and focus on some other things. I was really looking forward to it. But in the end, I had to cancel.
Huge bummer! I know I did the right thing though.
Also, my Granny has been diagnosed with a pretty aggressive lung cancer. She just recently found out and so it’s still all in the early stages and they’re figuring out the course of treatment right now and she’s already battled with cancer once before. She made a statement to my Mom about why hadn’t I called her lately (it had been a week since I talked to her) and asked her if she had done something wrong to make me upset.
I felt HORRIBLE!!!
So I’ll be taking this Friday night to go over to her house and spend the night and have some time with her. I think it will be good for her. I know she needs people surrounding her right now with love and encouragement. And it’s easy to let the days go by and before you know it, it’s been a week since you called your Granny. Also, next Monday marks one year since my Grandpa passed away and I know that will be hard for her. We’ll be celebrating his birthday and homecoming all in the same day. I carry a picture of he and I as a baby in my car and there’s not a day that goes by where I don’t think of him.
If you would, please keep my Granny in your prayers as she fights this cancer and on Monday, as she remembers her husband, and we remember a Dad and a Grandpa!
So there you have it…..
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 433
4 days ago