Friday Cassie had to work again from 10am-6pm. So before work we went to eat at the Pancake Pantry. It is another Nashville tradition. It’s a must when you go. Unfortunately I didn’t get a whole lot of pictures except for the outside of the place. I’m thinking I was busy stuffing my face with Pancakes which I barely made a dent in, ha! A funny side note for you. Cassie a couple of months ago was at the Pancake Pantry and saw Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner. That was back when they were together. She was able to get a picture with both of them. It was funny because she was like I have to take you to the Pancake Pantry so I can show you where they sat, so I got to see where Taylor and Taylor parked their behinds. And the food did not disappoint at all.

Then no sooner after we were done with breakfast it was time to meet my blog friend,
Adrienne, for lunch at the Blue Coast Burrito. I had to take the interstate to get to where we were meeting. So that was interesting but I survived.
Please go by her blog. She has a beautiful adoption story and I have been following her blog for quite sometime. It was so great to finally meet. She just recently adopted a little girl named Lily and has a son named Owen that she adopted from Russia. I got to meet both of them and her husband too. It was a little chaotic but I wouldn't have traded the chance to spend time with them for anything. Precious family. Hope to see you again soon Adrienne!!
Adrienne and I.

There was a bunch of great shopping over in the area where we had lunch. So after I left Adrienne I just looked around some and basically spent most of my time in Target and just killing time in the afternoon until Cassie got off work. Found some things for myself and picked up a little something for Cassie.
So I made my way back to the area where Cassie works, spent some quiet time in Borders right next to her work. Then when she got off we chilled at her place and got ready to meet some friends for dinner and we went to the Hard Rock Café downtown again. While I was in town in Nashville I was able to connect with my court reporting friend, Michelle. Click
here to read how this all came about. I had never meet her before and it was so great to finally hug her neck. She has been such a mentor in my life. Her relationship is special to me and there’s no telling what doors can be opened up there when I end up in Nashville. So Michelle’s daughter was in town with her friends so Cassie and I met up with all of them for dinner. It was such a great time and Michelle treated us to dinner, so sweet!!
Michelle and I.

After we left Michelle and her gang Cassie and I went back to The Big Bang piano bar. What can you say, we loved that place, ha!

And after another great night of the piano, time to call it a day!!
Saturday was absolutely gorgeous. The whole time I was in Nashville it was gorgeous. I think I brought the Florida weather with me! :)
I drove into work with Cassie and then my blog friend, now turned real life friend
Niki from Memphis picked me up from there and we hung out together for the morning. She is as sweet as I imagined. We did some driving around, shopping, chatting...we had a great time together. Then it was time for us to meet up for lunch in downtown with another blog friend
Lauren who I have already had the opportunity to meet and she is the best thing EVER. Incredibly sweet and precious beyond words.
We met up for lunch at Merchants restaurant.

The yummiest lunch EVER!


Niki and I.

Lauren and Lauren :)

All the girls!

Unfortunately, Lauren could only join us for lunch and so after we left her Niki and I made our way over to The Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum.

I just have to share that it got off to a very interesting and exciting start. As we were in line waiting to get our tickets all the sudden people are freaking out saying someone needs medical attention. We need a doctor, nurse, anybody. Niki is a nurse so of course she went over to help. A older gentleman who was by himself vacationing and on a group tour passed out. He had diabetes and hadn't eaten all day. Luckily, someone had a kit to test his blood sugar and it was super low. The man finally came to and they got some sugar in him. Poor thing. He was fine though, just added some excitement to the day.
More pictures inside after all the excitement, ha!

A Faith Hill original!

I loved this quote I saw.

The room with all the pictures of the people inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame.

It was a great time. This was my second time going there! I heart counry music so I was in heaven, ha!
Here are some random pictures of downtown I took that day.

This is what they call in Nashville, the "Batman" building!

The Sommet Center.

And lastly, the Ryman! (and some people who I am sure appreciate being in the picture, ha!

We had a great time in downtown. Love that area. Then Saturday night Niki and I met up with another blog friend
Heather who we both had never met and she lives in Nashville. Isn't this blog world crazy? We had the best time chatting and eating some yummy dinner at Tony Roma's at the mall. So glad we finally got to meet Heather, it was a wonderful time with you. See you soon when I move up there, ha!

After dinner it was time to say goodbye to Niki and Heather!!! :( It was such a fun and full day!!
Sunday was leaving day {{tear tear}}..... It was low key. Took our time getting up and ready in the morning. Did a little last minute shopping, but at noon Cassie and I met up with our friend Wendy who was in town in Nashville. We ate lunch at the Mellow Mushroom downtown. Oh my goodness, I had never been there. The BEST pizza. Didn't know what I was missing out on.
Wendy and I.

Wendy and her husband are a part of the Christian Rock group called
Fireflight. They are amazing and I'm truly in awe at the ways God is using them. Their third CD just came out. Go check it out or check out their website. You won't be sorry you did. The timing was perfect because the band was in town for a show that night at the Sommet Center for the tour festival called Winter Jam. Any of ya'll heard of that? So glad to connect with her. Love her!
So here we are, last and final picture of the trip.
One last departing picture of Cassie and I.

And if you lasted reading this whole thing. Bless your sweet little hearts!!!
I'll be back with some final thoughts about the trip tomorrow :)