I'm looking back at this weekend and it makes me smile.
It's been a wonderful, wonderful weekend!
Saturday morning I went to the farmer's market that is in our little downtown each weekend.

They've already started putting Christmas decorations up.

Of course Florida oranges!

Some yummy vegetables!!

The square!

And some animals!

It was just a nice day to be outside and we walked the downtown and went inside of some shops!
They opened up a new candle shop and I bought myself a yummy smelling candle!

Some of the stores were already in the Christmas spirit!

And lastly, can't leave without getting some kettle corn and boiled peanuts at this booth!!

It was a fabulous way to spend the morning!!! We saw tons of people we knew. As much as I love the city, there's something about the small town feel!
Then Saturday night spent the evening with my BFF and her hubby. I just love spending time with them. Always makes my heart so happy!
My BFF Melissa and I.

Lets have a moment of silence for this amazing cheesecake we had last night!!!!

And today's been a really good day. Did some stuff around the house this morning and it was a productive morning.
I love Thanksgiving. It's actually one of my favorite holidays but I couldn't wait any longer and broke out the Christmas decorations and the Hallmark Channel is playing Christmas movies all day today and had that on. I was feeling the Christmas spirit.
In the midst of going through all the Christmas stuff I found the Christmas dishes I bought from Pier One last year after Christmas. They were having a great sale and I had forgotten about them!!
Can't wait to use these! How cute are they??? :)

This afternoon I went to a play out our local theatre here in town that my friend was in and she had invited me to come. I didn't get a picture with her :(

It was so cute and I really enjoyed it!! It's really sentimental for me because the really cool thing is my my grandparents and both my Mom and Dad all belonged to this theatre back in the day and they have what they call "The wall of memories" where they have pictures from past productions. This theatre is 60 years old.
So I got to look and see pictures of my grandparents and parents!
Sorry, these pictures are not so good because I had my phone camera, but I did my best.
My Granny. She is on the far right in the pink jacket.

My Dad on the very far right.

Sorry, in this picture the light from the hallway made it into the picture. But you can see my Granny on the right on the top row and my Grandpa is on the left with the guy in between them.

And here's my Mom. She is the girl on the left right above the Christmas Carol Sign.

My Grandpa has since passed and so it brought tears to my eyes to see old pictures of him. Lot of memories in that theatre for them. Neat that it's still around.
Like, I said, crummy pictures. Sorry! Was taking pictures of the pictures on the wall, ha!
And on a funny note, went to go sit down in the theatre and had no idea there was assigned seating but just picked any seat. That was until a group of 4 told me I was sitting where they were supposed to sit. Looked at my ticket and what do you know, I am on the second row. And for the record, it was much better seat then theirs, ha!! :)
Hope all of you are having a great Sunday!!!