I have something that’s been on my heart for awhile now, and just need to get it out…
The blog world is an amazing place. I have met some of the neatest people through this unique community. With the click of a mouse you get a glimpse into the life of someone else. Someone you might possibly never meet but someone whose life you’ve taken interest in reading about each day. And it still blows me away that people want to read what I have to write and want to take part in my life. It’s a place where you can cry in one’s sorrow and trials and at other times you’re crying tears of joy in praising with them when a prayer has been answered or during exciting times in their lives.
But I’ve come to a frustrated point and I don’t know if anyone can relate to this… but I’ve come to realize that this blog phenomenon can become a really cliquish place. Granted there are those who we tend to relate to more and gravitate towards, but this has just become very apparent to me.
I started this whole blog thing because one of my real life friends Holly started a blog to keep friends and family informed of her little girl who has Epilepsy. I sat down one day in July of 2008 and started a blog of my own. Had no idea why I was doing it, didn’t even think I would stick with it that long. But it turns out I did stick with it and it turned out to be something far more greater then I could have ever imagined and I have met some of the most amazing people and have formed some wonderful friendships.
I’ve had the chance to talk on the phone with some blogger friends. I’ll be meeting my first blogger friend Lauren this Sunday and in February I’ll have the opportunity to meet some more.
I just hope that everyone feels comfortable coming by my blog and I in no way want to pick favorites and that’s not what this whole thing is about to me. It’s not meant to go back to that place where you feel like you’re in high school and fighting for your way to fit in. It’s not about how many comments you get, how many people come by your blog, or how popular you are in the blog world.
I always try to be mindful of that when those feelings creep in. I always want to keep it at a place where it’s just simply wanting to let people into a glimpse of my life..for whoever wants to read, and that’s how it all began and hopefully that’s how it will stay to the end.
Some of ya’ll have perhaps noticed this as well, maybe you haven’t and I’m in no way picking one person out, but I was just becoming more and more aware of this. It’s frustrating to me, but maybe in reality it shouldn’t be. Because as for me, I just have me and my blog to worry about…. and as long as I have my part of the internet it just reminds me of how I don’t want to be when it comes to the blogosphere and how my blog got started and how I would like it to stay.
And this is just me, and this is just my heart!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
2 days ago
ah, I love this post..and I love you more! :) Have a beautiful day, friend!
I totally agree.... My blog is so small and I love it! I don't aim for new readers,but I do love new friends! Meeting lots of great girls has been the most fun part of it! :)
Love your blog- and I think everyone feels comfortable here and not as though part of a clique!
Totally Agree! Great post!!!!
Great post and I just love your blog sweet friend!!
I know i'm your favorite - that's OK... JOKING!!! Totally joking! :)
I know what you mean though, you can really get caught up in doing blogs for OTHERS when its about doing it for yourself & just knowing you're allowing others to visit & share...
Totally appreciate this post!!!
Of course it's clique-ish. The blog world is like middle school. Who has the best clothes to post about, who has the best little family, how many articles of clothing can I buy my dog? And if you don't fit the bill of the little mold that is that particular bloggers life then they want nothing to do with you. I've experienced it more than once....sometimes more than once a day! It's so sad because, to me, blogging is supposed to be about meeting people who come from a different place than you. You know how I feel about exclusions and those type things and I'm so sorry that this has been something that is heavy on your heart. Just know that there are so many of us out there that are so glad we've found your blog and love you so much!
you're so sweet - I just love your heart :-)
I completely understand your post and have often wondered that myself. I also think blogging can be addicting. Seriously. I have to guard so much on not letting it take the place of my quiet time. I have found days, where I was online looking at blogs more than I was in the word.
hun, I agree with you. For sure. I appreciate all your sweet comments on the time, they mean a lot to me. I don't blog for "readers" either. I just LOVE it. its a habit...been doing it for *gasp* 9 years. But, just like in the real world, I do think there are people you do tend to gravitate towards because their life seems so similar, or you just find them really interesting. Thats a natural thing, that I'm not sure can really be helped, ya know?
but overall, keep doing what you're doing.
Love this post! I totally agree with you!
Great post! I definately feel like that sometimes. Love your blog sweet friend :)
I know just what you mean. I love reading your blog, you are always so inspirational!
What a great post! I like you started mine to keep up with a child with cancer. I didn't start mine to see if I could get 1,000 followers or average 500+ comments a day. Mine is simply my life - love it or don't read it! My life will continue to go on without blog comments, followers and being the best blog on the block.
Hope you have a great weekend! Thanks for your blog and the incredible posts you write. Keep it up!
I always always feel comfortable and welcome Lauren! You have a sweet heart and it just shines through here. So far (fingers crossed) I haven't had that happen to me. I'm sure, given time it will but that may just be a part of life. Even if it hasn't happen in blogland you can be sure it's happened to me IRL :)
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