Courage: the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.
As I was going about my way this morning, the word courage popped into my mind. So before I even begin this, I pray the Lord will give me the words to speak and maybe this might be for someone today.
At one time or another we’ve all prayed for courage. Praying for courage to fight sickness and disease, courage to fight for a marriage that seems to be on the brink of ending, courage to continue praying for your children that have seemed to have lost their way, courage to keep the faith that all of our bills will be met when our checkbook says differently, courage to get through the pain of losing someone close to us by death, courage to hold fast that God has someone out there for you when it seems like they’ll never come along, I could really go on and on….but I think it’s safe to say that courage is one of the main foundations that get us through as we walk this life.
Sometimes our courage feel like it’s at an all time high and at other times the only prayer we can cry out is “Lord, please give me courage.”
So I ask, have you lost your courage today?
Or maybe you’d say yes, I’ve prayed this prayer once or twice or even a trillion times, then this is for you! I find that even myself, I have tended to underestimate the courage that God has set inside of me. We all have been equipped with the necessary tools to tap into our courage and to get through the messes of this life and come out the other side more courageous!
So today I pray for an extra dose of courage. This is only the beginning, I don’t know what the rest of the day holds, but I do know that no matter what happens that at the end of the day, with courage, much can be conquered.
I need courage to:
* not fear the future
* realize that all my needs are going to be meet
* to walk in the fullness of all God has for me
* to trust God even when I feel like I'm blind and can't always see the plan
* to understand that I have no clue what I'm doing, but God does
What do you need courage for today?
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 432
1 day ago
great post!
I need courage for the same things you do Lauren! Awesome post =]
yes... we need courage in so many areas... but what's funny is when you face something & you get through, you find so much more COURAGE then you had before... when you needed it at the beginning.. but you get dosed up for the next round!
So its good we face things, we grow more & more courage with each scary thing we face!
Sometimes I forget how young you are! We all need courage these days. This world we live in is unsettling, but thank the Lord, HE is our strong tower!!
Have a great Tuesday, Lauren.
Wow, I want to print this post and put it on my wall. What a beautiful post!
The first play I directed in college had a note from the author at the beginning, and in it was this quote:
"All the really important things possible in the course of a lifetime require a little more courage than we currently have -- a deep breath, and a leap."
I love that, so glad you're back (now I have to go read your vacation summary post!)
Wonderful post, Lauren! Thank you for encouraging so many of us each day.
I need courage to not worry about those things that are beyond my control... and know that God is in charge.. and courage to know that things will be tough at first with a new baby but that I will make it through!
what a great post - its so true we all need more courage so thanks for writing about it!!
I needed this today! Thanks for the encouraging words.
I am right with you on ALL of those things! Fabulous post!
Fantastic post! Every word is ringing true out this way...
I think I need courage in all the things that you listed and more...
I think I get caught up in trying to manage/fix things myself instead of relying FULLY on Him..
Thank you for this reminder!!
Great post! I left you an award on my blog!
This is so great girl - thanks for reminding me of how much I need courage to do what we're doing (going into full-time ministry) and how I can only get that courage from the Lord!
I without doubt lose his vision, and try to take it all into my own hands. I need courage to completely let go and allow My Maker to have 100% control.
That was a great post, Lauren. You've got me thinking...
Courage to keep having hope...
wonderful post! Thank you!!
So good! I need courage sometimes to just be the patient mama I need to be :)
Amen :) Yes I do need lots of courage because I feel that my job is going nowhere and the career I had once dreamt of just a dream.
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