I am constantly reminded of the wonderful people that God has put into my life to “do life with” and walk with me through certain seasons.
It has been even more evident to me as I’ve been in court reporting school.
It’s like our own little family. Because honestly, no one will begin to know the stress and the highs and lows of court reporting school more than the people going through it with you.
Yesterday was a costume contest at school for Halloween. It was a fun night. I haven’t laughed so much in a long time.
Laughter really is good for the soul!
Two of my good friend’s Trish and Danielle dressed up. Trish was Snooki from Jersey Shore and Danielle dressed up as her friend Angela from the show. They made these fabulous glasses (and they had the spray tan and all) and of course I had to get a picture with them and me modeling the glasses, ha!
Danielle on the left and Trish on the right!
Future Court Reporters of America! Ha!
We were just being goofy during one of our breaks and taking a ridiculous amount of pictures, ha!
Peace out!!!
And no, you could not see a thing through those glasses, ha!
And yes, I was a party pooper and didn't dress up, ha!
“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.”
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 424
1 week ago
So where was your costume at???? :) ha.... Theirs are really cute!
Have a good weekend!
Looks fun!!!! Love the Snookie costume!
Looks like you guys had a BLAST :)
oh too cute! love the snookie costumes!
Those are some fantastic glasses.
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