When you're fast asleep......
Sounds nice and fluffy, right???
There are dreams which are hopes, ambitions, desires that have been placed in our hearts.
Then there are dreams that occur approximately between the hours of say 11ish-6am. (At least for me)
I usually tend to go to bed between 11-12am. I didn’t get to bed until around 11:30pm last night. When I finally went to bed it didn’t take me very long AT ALL to be knocked out cold. I’m talking deep sleep people.
REM I believe they call it.
Within the first hour or hour and a half of being asleep, I had the craziest dream EVER. So much so that I felt the need to tell the Twitter world about it at almost 1am. Surely someone is bound to be awake out there, right?
I’m telling you, it felt so real and I felt like I had been asleep forever and seriously thought it was time to wake up when I woke up from it. But indeed, had only been a sleep not even two hours.
Every time I have a weird or crazy dream I always wish the next morning I had written it down because I forget what it was about but just remember I had some off-the-wall dream.
But oh no, not last night. I physically dragged myself out of bed when I woke up from that dream, got a pen and paper and wrote my notes down on the dream, because I was not going to forget this so I could tell my Mom about it in the morning (because she was one of the people in it).
And now you’re probably wanting to know what the dream was about, huh? Ha!
Dreams are such a funny thing!
Do you ever have those reoccurring dreams?
Ever have those dreams where you try to move and speak but your body can’t move and nothing comes out of your mouth? Those are the FREAKIEST ones!
I always wonder what dreams truly mean!
Do foods you eat before going to sleep really affect the dreams you have?
I have no clue.
Or maybe I should just stop watching Law & Order: SVU before going to sleep! Ha!
But my advice to you, keep a pad and pen next to you and you’ll be amazed at what’s going on in that head of yours!
Happy dreaming!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
2 days ago
Lately I keep having the dream where I'm stuck somewhere and am screaming in terror. But no sound comes out. However, I wake me and the hubs up every night screaming. Fun for him huh?!
I think dreams are pretty insightful...
But I always always ALWAYS have dreams where I'm in high school (even now) & I cant remember my schedule or locker combination!! No telling what that really means?
I don't remember my dreams very often, but when something really real happens like that and it wakes me up it is the craziest thing!
I always have crazy dreams and sometimes its like my brain is non stop. I need to start writing them down too. Good idea.
i should start writing mine down when i remember.....i can never remember them though!!
I blog so much about my dreams because they're so vivid. I absolutely love my dreams.
I can never remember my dreams after I wake up, but I think it is tied to what I watch before going to bed.
I always have crazy dreams. Every night almost. And I always remember them in detail. However, I have them when I'm not completely asleep, which makes me have a restless night's sleep. They're usually a mixed up version of things I said that day or thought about. It's pretty funny.
Okay...now I'm DYING to know!!!! I guess this will be a good conversation when we meet next weekend :0
I hate those nights when you wake and think you have been sleeping forever and it's only been 2 hours!
My reoccuring dreams are that I'm super tired and can't open my eyes ... they are stuck shut! Maybe it's a hint that I need to get more sleep!
I hardly ever remember dreaming. I go to bed so late sometimes I don't think I allow my body to enter that REM state of sleep. I know I dream, I just never remember them.
OMG I have been having the weirdest dreams lately! I should write them down...
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