It was a wonderful time but just not long enough. We had actually seen each other before and met briefly at a blogger meet-up at Beth Moore conference in Atlanta back in April but didn't really get to spend any time together. Turns out we both live in Florida and we decided to meet up. It was great to spend time with her and she is just the sweetest thing. Can't wait to do it again real SOON, Lianna!
Saturday night I went to a Halloween party! My BFF Melissa and her hubby Ben invited me. I've been kind of adopted into Ben's family. When Melissa and him got married it was kind of a package deal, ha! You get her, You get me, LOL! Ben's Mom went all out with the decorations and food and there was so much for the kids to do. It was a fun time.
And before you look at pics, yes... I wore the same outfit all day, haha!!
We took a hayride around the neighborhood at night with everyone and the kids.
They set up a haunted room in the house for the kids and Melissa, Ben, and I played the scary people with the masks. We scared the kids so bad, haha!!!
Melissa and I modeling our masks!!
Oh, did you want a closer look??

We clean up well!
I got my hair did. I was going for the Lady Gaga look, haha!!

It was a fun night!!!
Tonight I met up with my brother and SIL to go with them and trick-or-treat with my nieces.
Could you just not die at this cuteness??

And can't forget about my precious niece, Cinderella!!

They live out in the boonies so we went to a neighborhood one exit up from where they live. It was such a neat neighborhood and they all really get into Halloween. There were so many people out!
All the kiddos before we left!
Me and the cutie. And don't mind how awful I look!
SIL and her girls!
One might call this a lazy way to trick-or-treat but we call it brilliant!
This house doesn't joke with Halloween!
And just because this cuteness needs a close-up!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!!!