Here’s what’s in my little noggin this Tuesday:
1. My Mom had to take my Granny to the emergency room yesterday. As I have shared she was diagnosed with lung cancer a little over a month ago. Still nothing has yet to be done. It’s been quite the process of getting the clearance and the tests she needs before they do the surgery to remove part of her lung. And she battles with very bad vertigo which makes you really sick and dizzy and she did not feel good at all over the weekend and she attempted to walk during one of her dizzy spells and hurt herself. So my Mom took her to the ER yesterday to get her admitted and said she was not leaving until she felt better and gets the tests ran that she needs. Please keep her in your prayers.
2. Lady Gaga is coming to our area in April. I’ll be honest; I’d love to score tickets to this concert, don't listen to a whole lot of her music, but just so I can see her costumes. She is so bizarre but unique in her own right and I think that’s what draws people to her.
3. I ordered from Netflix for the first time yesterday. I feel like I need to dress in my Jasmine costume and start singing “A Whole new world”.
4. I set up Pandora on my computer and set up Glee music on there…. Ekkkkkk!!!! I think this now officially makes me a Glee lover.
5. These are some shows I’m into this fall: DWTS, Modern Family, Parenthood, Biggest Loser (this is my first season watching), Glee (Duh), Better with you, and Law & Order: SVU.
I’ve wanted to try out Mad Men, and I’ve heard a lot about Teen Mom on MTV. And of course, all the Bravo TV shows. There are not enough hours in the day.
I am so glad the networks air these shows online so for those of us without DVR, we can catch the shows. Makes me happy!
What are you watching right now? Any good shows I’m missing out on?
6. I came home last night to find an unexpected check waiting for me in the mailbox. PTL. That pretty much made my day.
7. This is a deep thought, but why do we have a tendency to hold on to relationships when we know it’s time to just let go?
8. Over the weekend I had someone come out on Saturday to check out and fix the internet at the house. I greeted him in my pajamas with an over-sized shirt that I got from the blood bank that says “What is your blood type?” (You know, because I was just curious as to what his blood type was, ha) and pajama pants that did not match. And he had to leave and come back. He was old and in no way trying to impress. I then changed while he was gone and he came back and was like, you changed, hope it wasn’t for me. Ummmmmm, NO!!!
9. Our Fed Ex guy at our office creeps me out.
Me: Hi, how are you doing?
Fed Ex Guy: Better now that I saw you.
10. I was on my way to school yesterday to Orlando, and my car was very tempted to makes its way over to Disney World and just skip school, ha. There’s so many times on my way home at night if I time it just right I can catch the fireworks from Disney in my rearview mirror as I’m driving away. I live a little north of Disney.
11. All day yesterday I had the song, “Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey stuck in my head. One word, Glee!
Anywho, there’s my brain dump for you today!! :)
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 431
5 days ago