I'm all about the love people but seriously, Kanye West's picture is right next to the definition of J.E.R.K. in the dictionary!
I have never in my life seen such disrepect. Here's Exhibit A.
I was completely blown away but Taylor Swift and Beyonce handled it with such grace. Much more so then I think I would have had!
Reason #549850485050 why the entertainment business can be a cruel, cruel world sometimes!
Love you Taylor, and don't let the Kanye West's of the world get you down!
Open mouth, insert foot Kanye!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 430
2 days ago
I still can't believe that! I thought it was sweet when Beyonce won and she invited Taylor up on stage to have her moment without any interruptions! I was really surprised, I may have found some new respect for her! lol
By the way, Ive been lurker for quite some time! I think I have commented once or twice before.
Have a great week Lauren! =)
That is crazy. What was he doing? Geez. So innappropriate.
He is so rude!. I want to taze him. ! LOL
I wasn't even watching the VMAs but I heard about this because every single status on my facebook homepage refered to it! (gotta love technology, right?)
I still can hardly believe how rude Kanye was. Poor Taylor looked so shocked :(
that was amazingly stupid!!!
You could see how excited Taylor Swift was too... what a way to ruin a moment jerk!
Ohhh that made me so angry! Taylor handled it with class though, I would have flipped out. Poor girl! It was so sweet of Beyonce to let her come up and have her moment, though.
That's just craziness. Those people don't live in the real world... obviously KW is full of himself.
I still cannot believe he did that, so rude!
Oh, I know! I don't like when people are mean. Poor Taylor. I felt so bad for her! At least she handled it gracefully and will be a stronger person because of it.
what a crazy dude. i'm so glad taylor won!
Oh gosh, I totally would have burst into tears if I were Taylor Swift. Ridiculous.
I Cannot. Stand. Him.
Love Taylor and I totally agree... Kanye is a jerk!
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