My friend Sarah and I had a blast and here's the night in pictures! And for some reason I am having issues with my copy and paste so start from the last picture up to start in order or if you shall wish, go from the end of the night and work you're way to the beginning! ha :)
Another slice of heaven! Chili's chips and queso, and add a few margaritas to the mix (two for one ya'll) and it's the end to a perfect evening!
Being silly! And if you look closely enough you'll see the crum of a chip on the tip of my nose that Sarah brought to my attention, haha!
We seriously had forgotten which locker we put our stuff in because the key didn't have the number on it, so we made a lucky guess and we were right, haha!
Would have to be the world's longest shoe lace!
What I call hell!
What I call heaven!
We were fairly warned, ha!
How dare they kick us off the ice so they can smooth it so I can skate better, haha!
We shall conquer!
Our painful faces :o(
Sassy skater I am!
I didn't fall once, so overall the night was a success!!!!!! Anyone want to go for round two with me? I promise you'll love it, but your feet might not, haha!!!
how fun!! I love ice skating!
Chili's chips and salsa with margs are my fave!!! YUM!
No falls??? OK - next round - I wanna see a picture of an attempted jump of some sort :) Then move onto axles or spins! :)
Those show laces made me BUST OUT laughing!!!
glad to hear you didn't fall! :)chili's chips and salsa and margs are one of my faves too!! i have 2 friends that i go there with whenever we're together!
This makes me want to go ice skating...but I am terrible!
...and live in Atlanta where ice skating rinks are a rare find.
Oh gotta love Chilis!! :D
Haha great job!! You survived!
Oh, I stink at ice skating. Wobbly ankles, I'm afraid. And flat feet. You are braver than I am! But I was digging the chips and salsa. I can eat my weight in them!
ahhh how fun:) ryan and i went ice skating outside during christmas time:)
fun times...i like the sign "skate at your own risk"! too funny.
what a fun night! I can't iceskate worth a flip...oh well at least it was cool in there and it's fun watching other people! I love me some Chili's salsa too :)
Looks like you had fun!!
looks like you had fun! enjoyed visiting your blog! Blessings
Chili's chips look delicious ... makes me want to go now! I haven't ice skated in about 10 years - I am sure it would be a disaster! Your experience sounds like a success! :)
Looks like you have fun ice skating! I remember the first time I ever went (since childhood, at least). I expected it to be MUCH harder than it was, and that I would fall over at least once, but amazingly I managed not to!
Wow, those shoe laces are INSANELY long! How did you manage to secure them so they weren't in the way?
I tried ice skating once. Those skating boots kill your feet. I have am award for you on my blog. Go check it out when you have smoe time :)
Looks like SO much fun!
I can never get copy and paste to work for me in blogger - what am I doing wrong?
You have some great friends! Love these funny pictures!
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