Friday, March 9, 2012

A month.

It's been a month today since Larry passed away. Hard to believe.

A month since we've physically seen him here on this earth.

Oh but what a month I'm sure he's had in Heaven.... Happy, healthy, whole, and free from cancer. But for us it's probably been one of the most challenging months but we're clinging together as a family and getting through it together with a lot of love and support from each other. 

There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of him. Words can't explain how much we miss him and his presence in our lives. 

I don't have the heart to delete his name from my phone.

We had some of the best car ride talks and hard when you just can't pick up the phone and talk to him. A few days prior to Larry passing he was in a unresponsive state. He couldn't communicate or talk with us but they assured us that he could still hear us and encouraged us to talk to him like he could. So we did and I still do, knowing that I can talk to him anytime I want and know he can hear us and is listening from Heaven.

He was an avid surfer! LOVED them waves!! Keep riding them waves in Heaven, Larry! I'm sure they're awesome!!

Miss you L-Train!!


Pregnancy Resource Guide said...

I don't blog, but I love to read them. I found your blog one day soon after Larry was diagnosed. You and I are about the same age and I remember reading your blog and my heart broke for you. My father died almost 3 years ago from stage 4 cancer. It was definitely the worst period in my life, but I know he is in an awesome place. I wanted to tell you that I still have my dad's phone number in my cell phone. I've even changed cell phones several times since his death, but I refuse to take it out of my phone. Personally, I think that is ok. It hasn't hindered me from my grief process in the least bit and I think it would hurt even more to delete him from my phone. He is already gone from my earthly life, and keeping him in my phone does something for me. So, take your time and don't feel like you ever have to delete his number.

Pregnancy Resource Guide said...

Sorry for the above name being in there--it was a grad school assignment that has linked to my Google and won't go away!

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

Those milestones can sometimes give you a set back again. I can only imagine what you're going through today. Know that you are loved and people are thinking about you and your loved ones today.

Trina said...

Prayed for you and your mom again this morning after I saw your tweet. I know it's still so so hard. I still haven't taken my dad's name/number out of my phone and I won't.

Madison's Mommy said...

Thinking of you. It sometimes takes my breath away that my Dad has been gone for almost 4 years. I know the journey you are facing and pray for you a lot. I still have my dad's phone number and email addresses in my phone and I don't plan to erase are not alone.

Kristin said...

I still have a VM on my phone from my best friend who passed away in Nov 2010...every few months I have to "resave" the message...I don't know what I'd do if I lost it. Praying for you all because I know our loved ones are never forgotten and it seems like at the strangest of times I will be hit with the emotion that come with a close loss like that!!

Lianna Knight said...

HUGS Lauren :)

Staci said...

Lauren, I'm so glad the Lord brought Larry into your life to show you the true love of a father. Even though he wasn't in your life very long, I know the eternal impact he made :) Oh, and this is random, but I also use ICE and have it for both my mom and dad :) Hugs, friend!

KB said...

My father in law passed away over 3 years ago and I still have him in my phone. Every time I tried to delete it I couldn't do it. So now occasionally I come across it when scrolling through my phone and just say a silent hello to him. Maybe he's saying hello to me. Sending prayers your way :)