Out of all the posts I have written, this is one of the ones I’m most excited and proud of.
It’s a new year. The slate is clean. With the new year it seems to make the impossible seem possible with the 365 days ahead of you.
One of the things I’ve always struggled with is body image. Not in a huge way but enough to where I didn’t/don’t feel comfortable in my own skin.
When January 1st rolled around I was already getting myself mentally prepared to make a change. So that’s when I was excited to see that my friend Becky was doing the Biggest Loser Blogger Challenge (click here) January-March. It’s just the motivation I needed.
I wanted to post a motivation picture.
This was taken within the last year.
Please realize that this is a horrible picture of me and focus on the niece, ha!! The beach = no makeup for me. But this was the best picture that depicts where I am at right now. Can't believe I'm doing this. My Mom took this and I remember at the time when we went scrolling through the camera to look at pictures I was mortified, but was never at the place mentally to make a difference.

I wanted to post a motivation picture.
This was taken within the last year.
Please realize that this is a horrible picture of me and focus on the niece, ha!! The beach = no makeup for me. But this was the best picture that depicts where I am at right now. Can't believe I'm doing this. My Mom took this and I remember at the time when we went scrolling through the camera to look at pictures I was mortified, but was never at the place mentally to make a difference.

Time to make a change.
My current weight I’ll share is 130. Nothing drastic....but there is obesity on my dad's side of the family and with my short height of 5’2” weight gain is noticeable and have a few things recently I cannot fit into that I’m determined I will again and just don't want to let myself go there. Whether you just want to take your body back and feel more comfortable or a drastic weight change, regardless it's your journey.
So in sharing that… here’s what I’ll be doing this week for food throughout the week and exercise and wanted to track it here each Monday and document my progress... As it's a part of the challenge. I have about 10-15 pounds I would like to lose. I may or may not meet my weight loss goal by finish, but it will be a heck of a start.
For Breakfast- Eggs with avacado and breakfast bars.
For lunch – Tuna with wheat thins and salad
Dinner – Healthy sandwiches, apples w/ peanut butter
Snacks- Bananas, oranges, nuts, fruits, rice cakes, avocado, bell peppers/cucumbers with ranch
Of course all this is subject to change and not the same thing everyday, but I'll be switching it up each day. Might add/subtract but the goal is for it to ALL be healthy. If you have any other good quick meals for a person on the go or want to share healthy snack options, please share.
I wanted to add that with my schedule I work full time and go to school three nights a week. So very easy to eat on-the-go and pick up that hamburger or French fries. But that’s all going to change. Also, my goal is to also not eat so late, but to eat on my way to school or while I’m at school. Got in such a bad habit of eating when I got home. Another goal is to stop eating when I’m satisfied vs. still eating while I’m full. And I snack on complete junk, enough said. Also, the fact I have a 8-5 desk job and sit all day and sit all night at school is not working in my favor... just sayin!
I wanted to add that with my schedule I work full time and go to school three nights a week. So very easy to eat on-the-go and pick up that hamburger or French fries. But that’s all going to change. Also, my goal is to also not eat so late, but to eat on my way to school or while I’m at school. Got in such a bad habit of eating when I got home. Another goal is to stop eating when I’m satisfied vs. still eating while I’m full. And I snack on complete junk, enough said. Also, the fact I have a 8-5 desk job and sit all day and sit all night at school is not working in my favor... just sayin!
Also, I’ve quit soda and I'm drinking water. Haven’t had it since December 31st. I’ve cut out sweets and pasta/carbs as well. And of course I’ll treat myself on the weekends.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I will be doing the c25k workout program. You can download the app. on your Iphone. I actually started this before and so last week I started at week 3 because I already had a foundation. Of course these days could vary throughout the week, but I’ll always put in 3 days of this. This morning I started at week 4, day 1. Also, every Saturday I will be doing Zumba class.
I feel this is a good start though.
Again, any helpful tips will be appreciated.
If you’re wanting to make a change like me, please go by Becky’s blog and join us.
I’m so excited about this and what a great way to keep me accountable.
So here's to my journey to taking my body back, eating healthier, and feeling better in my skin.
Not looking to win this thing, but just a start to being healthier.
So here's to my journey to taking my body back, eating healthier, and feeling better in my skin.
Not looking to win this thing, but just a start to being healthier.
Wish me luck!!
I am loving this idea of blogger challenge! I hope to be able to keep up with this too. I had trouble with blogger not posting my pics a while ago. So I had to put pictures on Picasa and upload that way. It's not as bad as it seems, if you need help just let me know.
I love this idea!!! Sounds like a fantastic way to kick off the new year!!
Lauren you are so beautiful! I think you look great no matter what, but I know what you mean! It's how you FEEL!!! I'll be here cheering you on and way to go getting started looks like you are off on the right foot. xoxo Becky
Try giving up gluten...you WILL see a difference in how you feel and look.
I promise...
HOWEVER, you look awesome just as you are!
Best of luck, this is always a hard journey but it is a life long journey to stay healthy.
Stopping by from the challenge to wish you good luck as we go through this journey together. However, I have to agree with green girl on both counts - and giving up gluten really makes a huge difference. It's amazing how much better I feel now by giving it up freely. Take care and keep up the great work! :)
New follower from the Biggest Loser link-up. You got this girl! You have a great plan set up. I cannot wait to read how yo did the week!
You have a great plan lined up...just keep going after it! Have a good week!
Sounds like you've got a good plan! I lost about 40 lbs before having my first little girl 3 years ago and I know it wasn't easy - I used SparkPeople to track all calories. Definitely not for everyone but it worked really well for me. That way I knew what I had left over and if I had any wiggle room :)
Now, two kids later, I've got about 8 pounds I want to lose. Going to check out the Biggest Loser challenge for some motivation :)
Great way to start the new year! I'm doing the challenge also :) good luck!
Good luck Lauren! I'm right there with ya. I actually started Weight Watchers today. Here's to both of us looking hot in bikini's this summer! ;)
I am so proud of you...you are beautiful - so don't forget that in this process....but I am with you - I NEED a change and am inspired to get off my hiney and start doing something about it!! :)
Good luck! I did C25K in the summer and I really loved it! I'm really looking forward to doing this link up and getting to know everyone better. Together we can do it!!
Hey girly! :)
I'm here from the Biggest Loser link-up. You have a GREAT attitude - you're going to do amazing. I totally understand about being short and now just a little weight can make a HUGE difference! I am 5'3 and weigh 210 - so can you IMAGINE how round that is?! HAHA! I'm so excited to be on this journey with some great girls. Together we can do this!!!!
Miranda :) www.ournestingplace.com
Hi! I'm stopping by from the link up! Fast Food has always been a convenience for me and heck, I love it! Last spring I challenged myself to go a month without fast food - it changed my life! It wasn't fun, but my body doesn't respond as well to it and since eating it makes me feel bad now it's easier to walk away from. Good luck with the journey!!
Hey stopping by from the Biggest Loser Link-Up. My biggest hurdle is sugar, I love anything sugary. Looking forward to going on this journey with you and the other ladies!
I popped over from the link up. Sounds like you're off to a great start.
Keep up the good work, and best of luck to you!
so besides the fact that my left leg weighs the same as you... ;) kidding. i think you're beautiful but wanting to get healthy is always a good thing! hats off to you!!
New follower here! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, lets do this girl!!!!!
Good luck on your weight loss journey!!
Stopping by from the Biggest Loser link.
Take care,
I am so excited about doing the Biggest Loser Blogger! I just started posting pictures of myself a couple weeks ago and am glad that I started. It helps keep me motivated to see a difference even if it takes some time.
You can do it, girl! So proud of you. What wonderful goals.
What an awesome challenge! But, girl you are so beautiful no matter what. :)
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