Friday, June 15, 2012


So it's Father's Day weekend. Father's Day has always been a hard thing. I have no true relationship with my real father and Larry passed away in February.

So this year will be no exception.

I say bitter sweet because God is my ultimate Father who will never leave me nor forsake me when I've been disappointed here on this earth.

My Mom's words through text this morning were like balm to my soul. Exactly what I needed to hear at the exact moment I needed to hear it. 

Psalm 68:5 - "A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling."


Aishlea said...

Your Mom is so kind and sweet. And I too hope that God fills your heart with peace this weekend. Love you.

Perfectly Imperfect said...

Thinking of you all this weekend hon :)

kjpugs said...

This is my 9th father's day without my dad. He died very suddenly of a heart attack while I was away at college. I get texts like this from my mom every year on Father's day, his birthday, and the anniversary of his death. It gets easier on the outside but the love you have never goes away, so the sadness is always there. I know my dad is always looking down on me though- I can feel it- and I'm sure it's the same with yours.

Lindsey said...

Your mom rocks!!!

Unknown said...

Praying for you, your mom and family as you experience this 1st without Larry.

BARBIE said...

Your mom is so precious. Praying for you!

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

I lost my papa a few days before Father's Day two years ago and it is tough to go through the day hearing everyone talk about their dads and what they're up to. I'm thinking and praying for you today.