It has been forever since I've blogged. Hope all is well with everybody. Can't believe it's already November. Let the holiday craziness begin. With working two jobs and going to school, sometimes I don't know if I'm coming or going. And with the holidays coming upon us, I'm really going to be loosing my mind, ha! I love this time of year though. Everyone's mood seems to be a little lighter, people actually take time to say hello and happy holidays, music is in the air, and not only all that, but it's about being with family and friends, with the one's you love, and can't forget about the great food :)
I will say though, I love what Christmas is about and everything it stands for, but I have to admit, what I truly love is Thanksgiving. We take that one day out of the year (which we should do everyday) to recognize everything and everyone we're thankful for. It's just simply about being with family and friends, and sitting around a table with a bunch of great food, and nothing more. We can just be, it's not a holiday where you get caught up in all the gift buying and all the hussle and bussle and lose sight of the real meaning of it all. Especially now in a time where we live in a world of such uncertainly, but one thing we can be certain of, we all have a BUNCH to be thankful for.
I want to leave you with this. It's something I posted on my Facebook page and wanted to share here. Just something to think about :)
In all that we say and do:
Every single day of our lives we are constantly doing and saying….. But in all that we do and say, are we glorifying God? Are we living our lives in such a way that brings a smile to his face? Are we edifying and lifting others up by our words and actions or are we just letting our words and actions come out without even thinking twice? I was just thinking about this today. I hope that at the end of each day I can look back and say I loved well in my words and actions and I represented him well.
I always want to keep in the forefront of my mind that we are God’s representative here on earth. That we will be accountable for how we spent this life he has given us. I constantly want to keep that smile on God’s face and in those moments of my weakness, I rest in knowing that the smile will never fade but by his grace his strength is made known in our weakness.
And just know that there’s nothing you can do to take his smile away because you’re the one that put it there and his love in unconditional, made perfect in your weakness!!
The Big Boo Cast, Episode 433
4 days ago